You know, not many exciting things ever happen to me... just those around me. So this blog is full of stories of those things that happen to other people. And this story is no different...
Yesterday, Rob stopped by my office to visit me on his way home. He had just gone to the DMV to pay his motorcycle insurance and renew his registration. Well, after we talked and made plans for the evening, I kissed him good-bye and told him to be careful, as I always do when he's riding his motor-cycle. I got back to work and about 2 minutes later saw his phone number show up on my work phone - NOT GOOD was my immediate thought. With urgency in his voice, Robert told me to come meet him on Leeds Ave.
I ran out of the office, fumbled for my keys on the way out of the door, and raced out the parking lot and down to Leeds Ave, not really knowing where I was going exactly or what I would find. (Thank God he called me and not someone else, cause I would have been in major freak out mode by now) I pulled up just down the road from my office to see him and two others standing over his bike which was crunched up underneath this beautiful, black, pimped-out, Dodge Charger. I did say that he was standing... that would be #1 of the many miracles that I believe happened yesterday.
Robert was on the phone with 911, reporting the accident. He was obviously shooken up, but surprisingly calm. (Miracle #2 - my hubby-poo has a hot temper, or at least used to?) Not a scratch on his body, just one on his shoe. (Miracle #3)
You see what had happened was... he was stopped at the red light about to turn onto I-526. He has a habit of looking behind him while he's stopped to be sure that the driver coming up behind him is indeed going to stop. So he glanced behind him, made note of the hot rims on the car approaching him and turned around and relaxed on his bike because he felt sure that this driver would indeed stop. WEEEEELLL.... he didn't. The guy hit him and knocked over his bike and crushed it while catapulting Robert, (Stunt, as I now affectionately call him) into the air. His helmented head hit the bumper/trunk of the I'm-sure-freaked-out-by-what-she-saw-in-her-rear-view-mirror lady in front of him and he landed on the ground. (Miracle #4 - He was wearing his helment!!)
Well, Stunt was able to get up (thank you adrenaline), make sure everyone else was alright, call me & 911, and even shake the hand of the man who hit him. (See miracle #2) The cops FINALLY showed up, assessed the scene, wrote the tickets, and were on their way. We called everyone in the family (you know how that goes) and coordinated kid pick-up and bike pick-up. I talked Stunt into going to the ER just to get checked out because he had hit his head. You know, you can't play around with that!!
Needless to say, the plans that we had made for the evening were put to the side so that we could spend a lovely evening downtown at MUSC, picking up prescriptions, dinner on the fly, etc. Mom picked up the boys from Sandra's and they got to go bowling... woohoo!! We all got home safe and sound and had a great 5 hours of sleep.Stunt even got up bright and early, in a great mood (thank you loratab) and was off to work by 7:30, I'm sure feeling like he had played a real-live game of Madden 2009 the night before. Poor thing! Thank You Lord I get to have him one more day!!! Love you baby!!