Ok. I'm just going to warn you now, this is going to be a weird blog.
My name is Rachel and I am a tongue chewer. There, I said it. Just kidding. But no, really. I am a tongue chewer, for real. I have been doing it for as long as I can remember. From a very early age, I recall my mother saying "Stop chewing your tongue!" And I wouldn’t even realize I was doing it!! I don't ever realize that I'm doing it until someone asks me what I'm eating or if I have anymore gum.
So anyways, I got curious today, and googled "tongue chewing" (I google everything by the way) and came across this website. Seems I am not the only one who does this, despite what I have always thought.
I'm not going to go into any gross details of my habit because really there are none. I don't chew until my tongue bleeds or anything. I just chew as if I was chewing a piece of gum. It does look weird though. Not the most attractive thing to do with one's mouth.
Actually now that I think about it, I've always had a thing for tongues (mind. out of the gutter.) I would always watch myself in the mirror as a kid and see what I could do with it, what shapes I could make, if I could touch my nose with it... and so on. When I got married, Robert noticed that my tongue has these "teeth-shaped" indentions on the sides but I didn't think much of it. UNTIL TODAY! Apparently, this is called scalloped tongue. (google it.) Basically, my tongue is too big for my mouth! Who knew! My brother's tongue does the same thing so maybe this thing is genetic. I wonder if he's a chewer? hmm. Things that make ya go hmmm...
Overall, I'm just weirded out. After visiting this website and reading comments from other chewers, I felt like I had found a long lost twin I never knew existed or something. I don't think this is a big issue, but I could be wrong. I've got other symptoms of TMJ and this seems to be another silent symptom. Well, I'm going to do some more research on this but for the most part I don't think I have a problem, medically anyway.
Bottom line. I have tongue issues… This could have some serious spiritual undertones though. (James 3:3-12)
And there you have it, you now know more than you probably will ever care to know about my tongue.